Sunday 15 December 2013

Hi guys,

Last Thursday a hero, a person that the whole world loved,  died. His name is Nelson Mandela.
Today I want to talk about him and who he was.

He was born the 18th of july of 1918 in Mvezo (South Africa). He suported the freedoom of black people in the world,  mainly  in South Africa. Before,  he was in  prison for about 32 years.  When he went out , he became the president of South America. He gave the  peace for both  white and black people.

Thanks for all,  Mandela,
you will always be  in our hearts.
Rest in peace.

Monday 9 December 2013

1D Day

Hi guys!

The 23th of november was the 1D day.
The members of this group made a day for announce  events, perform for the first time the new CD ''midnaight memories'',  to knew the opinion of the fans about the events and news things of the group.
This day the guys made games and he wanted to won a guiness world record. For get the record, they tried a lot of proofs but they don't won anithing.
 They do a lot of video calls of directioners in a page colled ZAP!.
The differnt directioners of the world do a video on they do something to the guys.
The show was in direct on youtube about 20.00h and 3:3Oh am.

Here is the video of the 1D day if you want to view now!

Hope you enjoy the video.

